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Ta del av några sammanfattningar från föreläsningar som presenterades på Nordiska Lungkongressen i Köpenhamn 1-3 juni 2022 (engelsk text).

Dear friends!

FINALLY! Finally, we could attend a scientific conference, the Nordic Lung Conference 2022, like in the “old days”, physically, over three intense days, and became inspired by interesting presentations of the latest research findings by Nordic experts, all nicely put together into an excellent program by the Danish organising committee.

We also had the chance to catch up and meet with new and old friends. All warm handshakes, smiling faces, and hugs recharged my social batteries after this lengthy period of keeping a safe distance. Curiously, I am looking into the future to see how care of people with lung diseases will evolve: Will the “treatable trait”- concept, for example in patients with “high eosinophils”, dilute barriers between indications and allow interventions regardless of the diagnosis being asthma, COPD, or bronchiectasis? Will we see earlier interventions to slow down disease progression? And will disease remission be an achievable treatment goal in future? To give patients the possibility to live their life to the fullest, everyone´s contribution counts: we build the future collaboratively!

Chiesi´s Nordic Medical team summarised selected presentations and sessions in this short newsletter and hopes you will enjoy reading it!

With best regards,

Barbara Fuchs
Medical Manager, Nordics
