We are proud to have arranged the 11th Nordic neonatal meeting, welcoming 110 participants to Oslo and almost as many joining remotely. We would like to thank all who joined us and contributed to a successful meeting with high energy and good discussions. We would also like to express our gratitude towards the scientific committee* for their work to create an interesting program, dedicated to nutrition and bowel, the brain and neurology and the respiratory tract and getting a sneak peek at ongoing research.
We managed to get a quick chat with two of the participants in Oslo about the meeting: Hanna Soukka and Tore Curstedt – hear their reactions!
The neonatal care has improved greatly in the past decades but there is still a lot we don’t know, more research is needed to continue to improve neonatal care, concludes Neonatal profile Tore Curstedt.
*Scientific committee
Liisa Lehtonen Finland; Marjo Metsäranta, Finland; Kajsa Bohlin, Sweden; Lars Björklund, Sweden; Baldvin Jonsson, Sweden; Jannicke Andresen, Norway; Claus Klingenberg, Norway; Ola Didrik Saugstad, Norway; Jesper Padkær Petersen, Denmark and Christian Heiring, Denmark.
Respiratory distress syndrome in premature infants and Curosurf.
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