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The purpose of the day is to draw attention to the needs of premature babies and their families. We at Chiesi obviously want to be involved and contribute to this. About one in ten children in the world is born prematurely. Fifty years ago, it usually meant a death sentence. Thanks to the enormous progress made in the treatment of premature babies, healthcare today can save 90 percent of those weighing under 1,000 grams. But a child born prematurely needs care long after coming home from the hospital, and initially the parents often have to provide care around the clock for their baby. Help from friends and relatives with cooking and running errands, for example, is usually gratefully welcomed. At the same time, it is important to listen to the wishes of these new parents and respect that they may want to wait before receiving visitors.

World Prematurity Day was initiated in 2008 by EFCNI (The European Foundation for the Care of Newborn Infants) and partnering European parent organizations.a
