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Måndag 6 september, tisdag 7 september, 2021

In this summery, we will focus on interesting updates from the areas of asthma and COPD

Read the report

Autumn is here, and this means both change when trees are slowly starting to shift colour and the first heavy winds are coming in, and routine with the return to what has become the “new normal”. Even for the Nordic Medical team within Chiesi Respiratory, autumn brought some change as the team grew and is now led by myself as Medical Manager.

My name is Barbara Fuchs, and I started my occupational career almost 20 years ago in Germany as a researcher within immunology and physiology of obstructive lung diseases. The fresh winds of life brought me to Sweden twelve years ago, where I live today together with my little family. I am very much looking forward to my new role, my wonderful team and the initiatives we will start together with you to help people breath.

Digital conferences have become part of our routine and “new normal”, and we are pleased to send you our newsletters from the ERS annual conference today.

In this summery we will cover

  1. Disease mechanisms and understanding
  2. State-of-the-art approaches and guidelines for both diagnosis and treatment
  3. Latest findings from epidemiology from the Nordics

I hope you will enjoy reading this ERS summery and would love to hear your feedback.
Best regards Barbara and the Nordic medical team

Read the report

372-2021-MARK, dec 2021