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This webinar is aimed to specialists in ophthalmology, neuro-ophthalmology, neurology and physicians with an interest in neuro-ophthalmology.

LHON Forum 9 December, 20.00 – 21.30


The meeting is organized by Optic Nerve Network with support from Chiesi Global Rare Diseases. Please see the agenda of the meeting below and in case you have the possibility to participate please register on

Program & speakers

Dr. Patrick Yu-Wai-Man (Cambridge/London, UK)

Why does ND1 mutation cause disease?
Prof. Alfredo Sadun (Los Angeles, USA)

Treatment effects in chronic patients and
in autosomal LHON
Prof. Berthold Pemp (Vienna, AT)

LEROS clinical trial preliminary results
Prof. Thomas Klopstock (Munich, DE)

Closing remarks
Dr. Patrick Yu-Wai-Man (Cambridge/London, UK)


LHON Forum 9 December, 20.00 – 21.30
