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This week, the big European Respiratory Society’s annual congress opens, this year in Milan. We are so looking forward to interesting sessions and the opportunity to learn and discuss with other respiratory nerds! If you’re coming, too, please come and visit us in the Chiesi booth or find us in the crowd. We will be easy to spot, just look for bright pink!

Planet health brings population health

Although smoking cessation is the number 1 step in prevention and slowing down progression of COPD, smoking is not the only risk factor for COPD. Also, air pollution and biomass burning contribute to impaired lung health, and there is also the question what health effects we will see from increased use of e-cigarettes/vaping. We believe that the health of the planet and that of its inhabitants are interdependent, and we want to act as a force for good. We are committed to becoming carbon neutral by 2035. 

We want to generate a positive impact on society and nature, treating resources in a circular way and finally creating a new and sustainable harmony. The wellbeing of everyone depends on this balance. And for us, this is the only true form of progress.

Other sessions on sustainability and air pollution: 

9 Sept 9.30 Working against tobacco and air pollution, the other big pandemic

10 Sept 8.30 War, climate change, migration and respiratory infections

10 Sept 13:45 Air pollution, pollen and lung health in the climate change era

10 Sept 15.30 Pollution, climate changes and sustainable developments

13 Sept 8.30 Expert interview on air pollution

Do we see the patient when we see the patient?

COPD is a disease that progressively limits life as the patient tries to cope with being out of breath and out of energy. Recently, we had the opportunity to invite some patients to an advisory board to reflect on living with COPD. One important message was that they, too, want to be seen and treated as a whole person, and not as a disease. How can we better understand the individual’s needs and support and empower them to live their best possible life?

At Chiesi, we believe that the voice of the patient will guide us to improved respiratory care. Join our Chiesi symposium to learn how! September 10th, 12.15-13.14 Room: GOLD. Save the date!

Some sessions on pulmonary rehabilitation

10 Sept Pulmonary rehabilitation: Extending practice to improve health outcomes [Skills workshop, 3 starting times]

10 Sept 13.45 Better outcomes for adults with chronic breathlessness: earlier diagnosis and management

11 Sept 8.30 Exercise training, physical activity and self management at home 

12 Sept 9.30 Updating pulmonary rehabilitation outcomes and chronic management. 

More patient perspective(s)

The word ”patient” is mentioned 1 708 times in the ERS program, but the patient perspective has only a few hits. If you don’t want to miss it, you might want to attend the ELF patient organization networking session to hear a patient’s perspective on Mental health and respiratory disease at 14.20, Saturday 9 Sept. You might also want to take a tour in the poster area on Tuesday (session 379, 8-9.30) to find COPD-related anxiety: A Systematic review of patient perspectives

Another way to support the individual’s opportunities to live a full life is to have a holistic approach to their treatment plans. There is clear evidence that non-pharmacological interventions such as patient education, physical exercise and behavioral changes can bring positive and clinically relevant improvements in patients living with COPD. If you are looking for inspiration on how to improve physical ability while also reducing patient’s symptoms and healthcare consumption, there are plenty of sessions to attend and posters to see! 

PAR project 

We are also proud to share that ERS has accepted the abstract of The PAR project, Peripheral Airway Resistance. This study has been conducted at Norwegian School of Sports and Science in collaboration with Chiesi and aims to investigate the knowledge and current use of Oscillometry in clinical practice in Norway.   

Have you figured out how to clone yourself yet?

If not, there will be more sessions than you can attend. Don’t worry, we will attend some for you and share the highlights in two newsletters in September.

Keep your eyes open, or sign up for our newsletters here.

 Global Initiative for Chronic Obstuctive Lung disease (GOLD). Global Strategy for Prevention, Diagnosis and Management of COPD, 2023
