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Onsdag 8 september, 2021

In this summery, we will focus on interesting updates from the areas of asthma and COPD

Read the report

Yesterday “yet another” digital ERS conference came to its end. We are left with inspiring sessions, newest research insights, grand rounds and case presentations, and feel energised to return to our workplaces and continue with our common efforts to bring the right treatment for the right patient.

Personally, I feel this digital conference was a great success, and still, a slight melancholy remains for not having had the chance to meet with old friends and colleagues in person.

Today the Nordic Medical team at Chiesi Respiratory is happy to share our second report from the digital ERS 2021 annual conference with you, summarising lectures on:

• Immunological mechanisms of airway disease
• Pulmonary function testing
• Asthma treatment guidelines
• Epidemiology

We hope you will enjoy reading it!
Best regards Barbara and the Nordic medical team

Read the report

372-2021-MARK, dec 2021